Cheddar Broccoli Soup Recipe
This cheddar broccoli soup is so satisfying and is loaded with fresh broccoli and of course it’s tasty too. Let’s jump to this amazing soup recipe.
Servings Prep Time
1 15minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1 15minutes
Cook Time
  1. Take a pan and melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat. Now add onion and saute it for 5 minutes.
  2. Whisk ½ cup melted butter and flour together on a medium heat. Cook until the flour loses its granular texture. You can add 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk if required to keep the flour from burning, cook for 3 minutes
  3. Now add milk to the mixture while whisking constantly. Now stir chicken stock into milk mixture and cook for about 20 minutes until the mixture thickens.
  4. Now add all the vegetables and cook until vegetable are tender, for about 20 minutes.
  5. Now add cheddar cheese into the vegetable mixture and cook till the cheese melts.
  6. Cheddar broccoli soup is ready! Season with salt and pepper and serve it hot.
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Recipe Name
Cheddar Broccoli Soup Recipe
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