Keto Chicken Malai Tikka Recipe
What better option can a non-vegetarian have than a tasty and Keto-friendly Chicken Malai Tikka! Finger licking, filling, and a perfect keto meal.
Servings Prep Time
2 30minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2 30minutes
Cook Time
  1. Take a large bowl and add all the marinade ingredients and whisk to form a smooth paste.
  2. Now add the chicken, onion, and mix to coat everything nicely.
  3. Cover with a cling wrap or place a lid and keep this covered in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Grilled method
  1. Prepare the grill and heat it using wood chips or coal (for the aroma).
  2. Set the marinated chicken chunks on the skewers and place the skewers over a medium flame and grill for 3 minutes.
  3. Now flip the skewers to the other side and slather some oil on the chicken.
  4. Grill further for about 3 minutes until you get a nice and golden color grill texture.
  5. Remove chicken from the grill and transfer to a serving plate .
  6. Keto malai chicken is ready! You can add some cream and serve it with fresh chutney.
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Recipe Name
Keto Chicken Malai Tikka Recipe
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