Keto Chilli Paneer Recipe
Keto Chilli Paneer is a popular is an Indian starter dish with Chinese flavor in it, loved by every Indian.
Servings Prep Time
2Servings 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2Servings 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Cut all paneer into big pieces, season with salt & pepper.
  2. Fry till it becomes golden brown on either side and cut into small eatable pieces.
  3. Saute ginger and garlic and green chilli in a pan.
  4. Add onions and capsicum in it.
  5. Add vinegar, soya sauce, chilli sauce and some water.
  6. Cook for 2 minutes and add in the paneer pieces.
  7. Cook till all the liquid is dried up & it looks like gravy.
  8. Garnish with spring onion greens.
  9. Serve HOT!
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Recipe Name
Keto Chilli Paneer Recipe
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Preparation Time
Cook Time
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