Keto Chocolate Mousse Recipe
This keto chocolate mousse recipe is delicious, creamy and sugar free. Made with coconut milk, it’s full of flavor and totally dairy free.
Servings Prep Time
6servings 5minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
2minutes 7minutes
Servings Prep Time
6servings 5minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
2minutes 7minutes
  1. Put the coconut milk in a small pot and put it to boil. Once it starts boiling, turn off the heat and set aside.
  2. Add the unsweetened baking chocolate, cocoa powder, erythritol and stevia powder to a blender. Blend for about 20 seconds to break the chocolate apart.
  3. Add the egg yolks and blend again for a minute. You’ll now have a thick chocolate cream.
  4. Pour the hot milk in a slow and steady stream, inside the running blender through the small opening off the lid.
  5. Now, let it continue running for 30 seconds more after you’ve finished adding the cream.
  6. It’s done! Your chocolate mousse will resemble chocolate liquid.
  7. Pour the liquid into 6 different cups, bowls or anything you want to use.
  8. Place them in the fridge and let them cool for at least 90 minutes or until set. Top with any type of berries you wish and enjoy!
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Recipe Name
Keto Chocolate Mousse Recipe
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