Keto Pancakes
A sweet , healthy & tasty breakfast with low carbohydrates which can help you have a great option for your meal. Pancakes are not only delicious rather they help you feel full in a short while. They give you sufficient energy that can drive you for a longer period of time.
Servings Prep Time
4 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Melt cream cheese at high flame & add it with heavy whipped cream in a bowl.
  2. After cooling, add two eggs along with vanilla extract & mix all well.
  3. Then add in the dry ingredients. The almond flour, baking powder, salt and your batter is ready.
  4. If the batter is quite thick, you can add a little bit of water/heavy cream for dilution.
  5. Heat a non-stick pan and grease it with few drops of olive oil or butter or coconut oil.
  6. Pour the batter on the pan and let it cook on 1 side.
  7. You can cover with a lid and let it steam and cook all around.
  8. Once cooked you can flip it over to the other side.
  9. Serve with sugar free maple syrup and butter or any other topping which do not make a hindrance to your diet.
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Recipe Name
Keto Almond Flour Pancakes
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Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time
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