Keto Peanut Butter Balls- No Baking Recipe
This keto peanut butter balls recipe is a 3-ingredient easy to make snack recipe! It does not require any baking/ frying/ heating & that makes it so easy to prepare at home. These balls are soft, chewy, and low in carbs which makes this a perfect keto snack! Try this delicious recipe once to fall in love with it’s taste!
Servings Prep Time
40servings 2minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1minutes 30minutes
Servings Prep Time
40servings 2minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1minutes 30minutes
  1. Line a large plate or tray with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine all your ingredients and mix well. Add some milk or water until a thick batter remains.
  3. Form the dough into small balls from your hands and place it on the lined plate/tray.
  4. Refrigerate the balls for 30 minutes, or until firm.
  5. Your delicious peanut butter no bake balls are ready to eat. Enjoy!
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Recipe Name
Keto Peanut Butter Balls- No Baking Recipe
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Preparation Time
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