Control Diabetes with Keto Diet

How to Control Diabetes with Keto Diet

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is associated with uncharacteristically high levels of glucose in the blood. Absence or inadequate production of insulin (produced by the pancreas) that lowers blood sugar level causes diabetes. Diabetes may also be caused by the body’s incapability to utilize the produced insulin. There are two widely know kinds of…
keto diet & foods for indian festivals

Keto Diet for festivals

When festive time comes, the first thought that crosses our mind is lip-smacking food. And when it comes to keto festival diet and foods, we all are ready and eager to listen, as the new fad, KETO DIET has been the talk nowadays. It cannot be completely denied that with the change in time, people…
Keto Diet vs Keto Supplements

Keto Diet or Keto Supplements – What you should prefer 

Before making any decision about keto diet vs keto supplements, we first have to understand how these both works on the human body. So let's start it now. Being on the keto diet for a long consistent period can help stabilize your brain function, blood sugar and energy levels in general. But to break through…
keto diet plan in hindi

Keto Diet Plan in Hindi – केटोजेनिक आहार

केटोजेनिक आहार (Keto Diet Plan in Hindi) आज हम बात करने वाले है केटोजेनिक आहार (Ketogenic Diet) के बारे में और इस आहार दिनचर्या को शुरू करने से पहले जान लेते है कुछ बातें जो कि बहुत ही जरूरी है। केटोजेनिक आहार (Ketone Diet) एक उच्च वसा(Fat), कम कार्ब(Carbs) और पर्याप्त प्रोटीन(Protein)आहार है। अगर बात…