reverse type2 diabetes with low carb diet

How to Reverse Your Type-2 Diabetes with Low Carb Diet

Diabetes is one of the most common issues faced by humans in today’s time. But what is diabetes? Diabetes is a disorder of blood sugar and insulin. In this, something is wrong with the way a person‘s body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is the pancreatic hormone that lowers the blood sugar level by moving out the sugar from the bloodstream to the body’s cells.


In type two diabetes, there are various defects in the production of insulin by the pancreas and also the use of insulin by the body. Excess glucose in the bloodstream is a problem as it can damage the blood vessels. It is important to recognize the high glucose levels at the right time before the blood sugar levels become very high.


Carbohydrates and diabetes


People who have type two diabetes, their blood turns too sweet as glucose levels rise. Sugar comes from two places in your blood, your liver, and also through the food you eat. You can’t control your liver but you can surely control the food you eat.


Which foods from your diet make sugar

Foods that are made up of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are not good if you have type two diabetes.

It has often been observed that various foods are a combination of these ingredients only.


Blood sugar and carbohydrates relationship

Carbohydrates are the foods that turn into glucose when they are digested. When the glucose enters the blood it is called blood glucose or blood sugar. The more you eat carbohydrates in your meals, the more sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream and higher will be your blood sugar.


Many people feel that one should stop consuming sugar if they have diabetes. Apart from sugar, they can consume everything else. But the reality is that eating a potato is equivalent to eating nine teaspoons of sugar. In this case, it is difficult to predict how someone’s blood sugar will respond to these carbohydrates.


What studies have said

According to the results published by a leading research paper, patients with type two diabetes who spend a year limiting carbohydrates were watched very closely and their metabolic state to burn fat increased.


Low carb foods for a healthy life

Choosing foods that have lower carbohydrates is a very good way to help you control your blood sugar level and is also safe. But it is to be noted that if you are on medication for diabetes, you must adjust your diet in accordance with your medications.


For your breakfast, you should not make it very elaborate and huge. You can go for a simple sandwich or also eggs. Use lettuce leaves if you are making a sandwich or a salad.


  • Dairy:One must know that dairy provides various nutrients like proteins and calcium. Many people are opting out of full-fat dairy but there is not much difference between the regular one and the new one.


  • Beans: You can eat a lot of beans as they are packed with fibre and have healthy carbohydrates. Kidney beans and black beans may be higher in carbohydrates if compare to other plant sources, but they are recommended when you are building your diet. This can have a positive impact on overall health and body weight. They have filling fibre which is good for you so that you don’t munch a lot.


  • Fruits: If you are scared of sugar, you must know that there are many fruits that are healthy and have high fibre content. Do not discount on healthy carbohydrates. Various doctors have said that fruits should not be off-limits for diabetes patients. People who eat fresh fruits have lower risks of lower mortality and also developing diabetes-related complications. You should stick to one serving of fruits at a time.


  • Berries: This one might come out shocking but it is true. Berries are lower in sugar but they have excellent flavour. They are ideal fruits for people who have diabetes because they have a lower sugar level. Raspberries have the highest fibre constituents of all the berries and they are a great choice for these patients.


  • Vegetables: Vegetables are also a very good option because they have important nutrients and also help you in feeling full. These vegetables are paired with health-promoting compounds like broccoli, cauliflower that contain various components that may prevent cancer.


  • Whole grain bread: You must also know that whole-grain pieces of bread can fit into a diabetes diet. Bread does not need to be completely removed from your diet. One regular slice of whole-grain bread has about 11 g of carbohydrates. Opting for whole-grain bread is an easy way to include whole grains in your diabetes diet.


  • Nuts: nuts have various nutrients and fats that are essential for you to remain healthy. Keep consuming nuts as people who have type two diabetes tend to have a lower risk of heart disease if we keep consuming these.


Reverse diabetes

Medications for diabetes can slow down the blood sugar rise but they cannot reverse it. It has been proven that eating low carb foods can help you reverse your type two diabetes in a very potential way. It also tends to reduce the need for medications that one has.

Various leading researchers have also said that type two diabetes is not necessarily irreversible. It is treatable if you change your lifestyle. It is all about opting to go for a low-carb diet to reverse diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, reducing the carbohydrate intake in one’s diet was the most effective way to improve the blood sugar level for the people who have diabetes. Various systematic reviews and meta-analysis have been done to come to this conclusion.


If you are keen to get away from diabetes in the most natural way, you should definitely go for a low carb diet to reverse diabetes. Medicine may come and go but your lifestyle stays with you. Change your lifestyle today for a healthier and a better life.

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