low carb diet benefits

Benefits of Low Carb Diet

Health benefits of low-carb diet are very well established and well known to all of us. Not only does it improve our cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, but it also reduces the appetite and helps in weight loss. In this video, we will cover some of the most important benefits of a low-carb diet.   Low-carb diet reduces appetite Hunger and food craving is the most common…
Intermittent fasting - types and benefits

Intermittent Fasting – Types and Benefits

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. The most common intermittent fasting method involves a daily 16-hour fast, divided into intervals. The concept of intermittent fasting is not based on a specific type of nutrition but is based on when we should eat. Therefore, it is not a conventional diet and is…