marathon is not tough dna test

Marathon is Not Tough – Ask Your Genes

Thousands of people take part in marathons happening all around the world every year. The medal that marathon finishers wear is a sign of pride they feel. It is not only a badge of honor but a signal to the whole world that it's not that tough to make through this gruelling race. The marathon…
milk consumption with DNA

Roz glass full Doodh? Ask your DNA about it

Absolutely! Doodh (Milk) is a famous nutrient-filled food that provides 9 essential nutrients in every single glass, including calcium, vitamin D, and potassium. These 3 nutrients are identified by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report. There are very few such single food items that can provide you the nutrients you get from one glass…
DNA test for fitness

DNA Testing for Fitness Genomics And Diet

The Fitness Genomics industry has swiftly expanded in the past decade. It is due to the popularity of lineage services and amplified competence in DNA testing methods. People can now know the enigmas of their genetic plans with increased accuracy and speed. It can also deliver profitable consumer-driven fitness services. This genomics development has boosted…