after festival weight loss tips

Best Ways to Lose Weight after Festivals

September to December is a time that is enriched with many festivities in India. Staying motivated and disciplined in terms of a healthy diet is going to get harder. So how do you plan to lose all those extra pounds that you’re about to gain during these festivities? 


Here’s how you can lose weight in a healthy way after a festive month:


  • Detoxification: When you are in the festive mood, you are more likely to eat a lot of unhealthy food which may not be cooked in a good quality oil, and may have excess calories. Detoxification is a great way to begin your diet again and rid your body of all toxins. The first focus must be to get back your weakened immunity, and for that, you should include Vitamin C rich foods in your diet which have high antioxidant content. You can try something as simple as squeezing a whole lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and having it first thing in the morning. Another option could be having a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.


  • Plan your meals: It is easy to get carried away with the festivities and ignore your diet and fitness goals. To make it simple for you to follow, this is what we suggest – Plan your meals. If you are on a strict diet, then it would be easier if you go light on your breakfast, with low-carb and high proteins. One of the healthiest ways to start your day is with proteins. Proteins tend to fill you up for longer, so your food cravings will be reduced. 


  • Small meal portions: Your metabolism will likely have taken a strong hit due to your unhealthy eating habits during festivals. Post working on restoring your immune system, you need to work on restoring your metabolic strength. The most effective way to do this is by consuming your meals in smaller portions 6-8 times a day. Include more fiber and roughage that will help speed up your metabolic activity. Of course, stay off junk food completely. 


Bonus tip: Above and beyond these tips, getting enough sleep and drinking water cannot be stated enough. After your post-festival workout sessions, your body undergoes wear and tear more than usual. Partly because it is resuming after a long while or you might have worked extra hard to shed the holiday weight. So give yourself enough sleep to naturally recover. Drink enough water so that you keep urinating frequently and your body’s toxins are periodically removed. 

If you are looking to get into shape quickly, then you could give power yoga, TRX, and newer fitness techniques a try. These are moderate to high-intensity exercises that not just help you lose weight but also strengthen your muscles.  

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