ayurvedic body type

Ayurvedic Body Types –Vata, Pitta and Kapha | Which is Yours?

Did you know that your nature is determined by the Ayurvedic body type you belong to? Some of us are hyperactive at all times while others tend to take things slow and lazily. We end up blaming it all on genes or individual nature characteristics. Well, the ancient science of Ayurveda begs to differ. 

Ayurvedic Body Types

According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, there is a close relationship between our mind and body functions and the state of our health. This is because how and what we think in our mind causes corresponding reactions in the body in the form of minor or major diseases. And they both together (mind and body) reflect whether we are healthy or unhealthy.

All this is governed by the operation of three primary agents in our body, also known as doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In other words, you are what your dosha is.

Key Characteristics of Vata Individuals

Vata energy in our system is generally associated with wind and this is why it tends to controls all functions related to motion in our body, such as blood circulation, breathing, heartbeat, nervous system, and digestion.

Physical characteristics of Vata Ayurvedic body type: Thin body build, highly active but also get tired easily, often have irregular hunger and sleep patterns, their skin is mostly dry and liable to getting dark circles

Vata mind characteristics: Full of enthusiasm for life, creative and imaginative, keen learners, forgetful, have frequent mood swings, and also tend to worry a lot 

Key Characteristics of Pitta Individuals

The Pitta dosha in our body is generally associated with the fire element. This is why it tends to control our metabolic process and body temperature.

Physical characteristics in Pitta people: Having medium build, strong digestive process, severe hunger and thirst, usually fair skin that’s slightly reddish and spotted too

Pittamind characteristics: Strong mind, enterprising in nature, articulate in expression, and intellectual; however, can be prone to anger and irritation under stressful situations

Key Characteristics of Kapha Individuals 

The Kapha energy element is associated with earth and governs the building of muscles, fat, tendons, ligaments, and bones in our human skeleton.

People with Kapha energy dominant in their body have the following:

Physical characteristics: Build that is strong and powerful, often looked at as heavy, is a deep sleeper, doesn’t feel too hungry because of slow digestion; however, tends to binge emotionally when stressed leading to obesity, has a smooth, thick, and oily skin type.

Kapha mind characteristics: Performs daily tasks rather slowly but displays steady performance, relaxed and cool personality, slow learner but has sharp memory, affectionate, tolerant and forgiving, but also possessive at times, makes decisions slowly but carefully

To Conclude

You may be able to get a fair idea from the above description on your specific Ayurvedic body typeVata, Pitta, or Kapha. However, if you’re really keen on understanding body doshas to use them to your favour health-wise, we strongly recommend consulting an expert Ayurvedic practitioner who’d tell you all about your specific prakriti (nature) and how it can impact your overall health.

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