your DNA relevals coffee is good or bad for health

How DNA Test Can Debunk If Coffee is Good or Bad For Health?

Coffee is an important part of a day for many people. For centuries people have been enjoying coffee for an energetic effect. There are several reasons why people choose to drink coffee. Many people consume to enjoy the bitter taste, or some enjoy caffeine content. While many individuals consume coffee as an energy booster. 

Coffee beans are packed with nutritional compounds such as antioxidants and caffeine which are beneficial to improve health and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. 

In fact, consuming coffee protects against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver problems. Coffee also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression. Coffee comprises of a number of stimulants (mostly caffeine) that promotes metabolic rate.

But, during a recent study, coffee (a major source of Caffeine) has gained notorious popularity as an unhealthy drink for a human diet. Irrespective of the health concern, people consume coffee during everyday life. Coffee has been around for a long time, but research blame for ills; causing heart diseases and other major health problems. 

With this contract, it is imperative to debunk the myth. But how? 

What if your gene gives you the magical ability to discover if coffee is good for your health or not? In this post, you will explore, how coffee impacts our metabolism and how gene testing for coffee sensitivity can help to understand body tolerance to caffeine.

How Caffeine impacts metabolism?

There is no surprise that coffee helps to stay healthy as well as promote weight loss. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system which sends direct signals to fat cells helping to breakdown body fat cells.

In addition, caffeine is a slight diuretic that increases the necessity to urinate. Studies suggest, the more we urine, the more toxins and waste gets expelled from your body, as a result, help us stay healthy. 

Researchers are still exploring the health benefits of Coffee, however, antioxidants and caffeine are found to be healthy indeed is a miracle anti-ageing drink. Thus, help the body to repair damaged blood cells from oxygen-free radicals.

The Genetic (or DNA Test) Behind Your Caffeine Consumption

It is always better to know whether caffeine is good for your body and how it will react once you consume it. If you take a DNA test like InstaFitness, you can determine, ‘in what moderation you should consume coffee’. 


A DNA test identity 4 gene variants responded to regulate caffeine in the body. Caffeine, when consumed, gets broken down in our liver and the cytochrome P450 liver enzyme is responsible for metabolizing caffeine. 

The CYP1A2 enzyme is majorly responsible for disabling 95% of all consumed caffeine. DNA tests help you to find out your form of the CYP1A2 gene, and these Genetic variations only define the activeness of CYP1A2-enzyme in each person. 

Based on these forms, individuals segments into two groups, one with active CYP1A2 enzymes, who METABOLIZE caffeine Swifty and hence will have a mid or shorter-lasting effect throughout their body. 

On the other hand, individuals those have less active CYP1A2 enzyme will retain the CAFFEINE in the body for a longer time. Hence experience more and longer-lasting distinct effects. 

Importantly, genetic inconsistency affects the binding of caffeine to one’s brain receptors and how strongly individual experiences the effects of caffeine. Therefore, the DNA BASED DIET Plan enables effective results once you know the right amount of CAFFEINE you must consume. 

Benefits of Caffeine – the good news for Coffee lover

How can CAFFEINE help you to improve Health and FITNESS? Studies show that coffee reduces the risk of heart and other chronic diseases. It has also been proved that Caffeine helps you improve a variety of symptoms such as high blood pressure, mental decline, Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes, depression, and extra weight gain. 

Did you ever think about what happens in your body when you take a sip of your favourite coffee? How the caffeine is wrecked down and affecting your METABOLISM? For how long does caffeine stay active in your body? 

As per the Women’s Health Magazine, a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that the typical metabolic rate of a person who drinks caffeinated coffee is 16 percent more over the people who drink decaf. Honestly, could be able to find a more perfect beverage than coffee? 

A normal cup of coffee comprises 75 to 100 mg of caffeine. After digestion, CAFFEINE is absorbed into your bloodstream from the stomach. Its effects are associated mainly you’re your brain and it can last for several hours. Various studies have shown how caffeine protect our bodies against a lot of problems such as:

  • The CAFFEINE can help reduce up to 70% risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. 
  • Coffee nicks suicide risk by 45% as per a study by Harvard’s School of Public Health, as the caffeine’s stimulant influences boost a person’s mood.
  • The CAFFEINE lowers the risk of stroke and oral cancers by 20 to 25%
  • It can enhance the healthier and fit a longer life. As per the Joint project by the NIH’s National Cancer Institute and AARP people who regularly drink coffee have a lower risk of overall death as compared to non-drinkers. 
  • It can lower down the risk of type 2 diabetes. 


An enhanced understanding of the aspects of influencing metabolism, intake, and brain receptor due to caffeine could be future opportunities. The opportunity can help us to receive in-depth information and knowledge regarding the anticipation and treatment of a variety of chronic diseases and bring good health & fitness. 

As per recent research, the scientist also recommends that coffee could be linked with an abridged overall mortality of human beings. So why worry, get your DNA TEST done today and enjoy your coffee to achieve fitness goals in a smart way.

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