PCOS and pregnancy- all you need to know

How to get pregnant if you have PCOS

How to get pregnant having PCOS or how long will it take you to get pregnant if you have PCOS is the most common question every woman with Polycystic ovarian syndrome tries to get an answer for. Well, PCOS is a common cause of infertility in women nowadays but the good thing is, it is treatable!

Getting pregnant with PCOS is possible.

Having PCOS doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. It just might be a bit tricky and you may need extra help. There is a lot that you can do at home and with medication to keep PCOS symptoms in control and achieve a healthy pregnancy.

Begin with the same way a normal woman prepares for pregnancy.

Getting pregnant with PCOS involves some of the same steps that women without PCOS should take for a healthy pregnancy.

Have your weight and BMI (body mass index) measured by your doctor

Your BMI shows whether you have a healthy body weight and how much fat is your body carrying. If you are carrying extra fat and weight, talk to your doctor about how much weight you need to lose before you get pregnant.

Start a healthy diet and exercise plan

Get into the habit of choosing healthier food choices and being more active. You should be internally and externally fit if you want to plan pregnancy, and a healthy pregnancy.

Use an ovulation calendar or App to track when you have your periods 

Keeping a track of your cycles helps you make a better guess about which days of the month you are more likely to get pregnant.

Keep a check on your blood sugar levels

See your doctor to make sure your blood sugar levels are balanced. Your blood sugar levels are important in getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and even for your baby’s future health.

Eat for health

You need to have the right levels of nutrients in your body and you need to avoid certain types of foods too, such as sugary foods, over consumption of simple carbohydrates like white rice or white bread, processed foods and unhealthy fats. You should switch to healthier choices like fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, oats and barley. Beans and lentils, or eggs, chicken and fish.

Women having PCOS should maintain a healthy weight to increase their chances of getting pregnant

Not all, but a large portion of women with PCOS carry extra weight. If you are overweight and have PCOS, you can improve your fertility and reduce PCOS symptoms even if you reduce just 5% of your body weight.

Exercise daily by going for a walk, move more often and don’t sit for long in your office chair, lift some light weights to tone up your muscles. All this will help in bringing down your PCOS symptoms and improving your health.

Don’t be afraid of vitamin and mineral supplements

Certain vitamins and minerals are important for a healthy pregnancy and a growing baby. Ask your doctor about the best supplements for you. Some of the supplements that help in fertility are Folic acid (also known as vitamin B9), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and Coenzyme Q10

Balance your blood sugar levels

Your healthcare expert will test your blood sugar levels if you’re having trouble getting pregnant. PCOS sometimes leads to high blood sugar or type 2 diabetes which may cause fertility problems. Balancing your blood sugar levels may help you get pregnant. You can do this with a healthy diet and a common type 2 diabetes drug called metformin that your doctor might prescribe you.

Taking help with medication

If you have PCOS, your body might make more of both the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen. Too much (or too little) of these hormones can make it tricky to get pregnant. Your doctor might put you on medication to help balance your hormones.

Medication to help you get pregnant with PCOS may include Metformin, to balance insulin levels, clomiphene citrate (or Clomid), to help balance estrogen levels, birth control pills, to balance estrogen and testosterone levels (before beginning fertility treatment), and some other fertility medication to push the ovaries to send out more eggs.

The Takeaway

You can get pregnant even if you have PCOS. You will need to have moderate weight, balanced blood sugar levels, and you should treat your PCOS symptoms with healthy lifestyle changes and medication.

Regardless of what all solutions you explore, don’t lose hope! The success rates are optimistic and you will soon be smiling, with a positive pregnancy test result.

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