Difference between PCOS and PCOD

Difference between PCOS and PCOD

We have started to hear about PCOS and PCOD quite frequently these days. The problem of irregular periods is getting extremely common and has become a lifestyle disorder. Statistics suggest that both these lifestyle disorders are on the rise, with 1 in 8 women suffering from PCOD and 1 in 5 women suffering from PCOS in India.


What is Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD)?

Polycystic Ovary Disorder or PCOD is a condition in which the ovaries contain many immature or partially mature eggs. These eggs eventually turn into cysts. Prolonged habit of eating junk food, being overweight, stress and hormonal disturbance result in this condition. Common symptoms of PCOD are irregular periods, abdominal weight gain, infertility and male pattern hair loss in females. The ovaries usually become enlarged in PCOD and secrete excess of male hormones that deeply affect a woman’s fertility and her body.


What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a metabolic disorder that is more severe than PCOD. In this condition, the ovaries produce a higher quantity of the male hormone, and this leads to uncontrolled formation of cysts in the ovary which stops the release of egg leading to absence of ovulation. Symptoms include hair loss, obesity, and infertility. PCOS carries an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic health problems.


Which condition is more difficult to tackle?

PCOS is a metabolic disorder and is a serious condition. PCOD is not considered a disease because, with the correct diet and exercise schedule, PCOD improves.


Which condition is more common?

PCOD is more common. Almost one-third of women around the world suffer from PCOD. While PCOS has a lower number of patients.


Which condition is more serious?

PCOS has serious complications. Women who suffer from PCOS are at risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure cardiac-vascular issues, obesity, and even endometrial cancer.


Which condition affects you earlier? 

PCOS is visible early in life. Girls who suffer from PCOS show up symptoms of the disease from their teenage years. Acne, excessive hair growth and weight gain are apparent from a younger age due to metabolic disturbances.


Which condition brings greater infertility risk?

Those with PCOD don’t have significant fertility issues. With a bit of medical help, they conceive successfully. But women who suffer from PCOS can struggle with infertility. They even have higher rate of miscarriages.


Which condition affects ovulation more?

Women who have PCOS do not ovulate due to a severe hormonal imbalance that disturbs the process of ovulation. Those with PCOD can still ovulate regularly. The women who have PCOD may have similar symptoms as PCOS, but they retain the ability to ovulate periodically and thus, can conceive successfully.


How to fight PCOS or PCOD?

In both the cases, losing extra weight, eating a healthy diet that is free of processed and junk food, and following a regular exercise schedule, can bring tremendous improvement. It is good to visit a doctor as soon as you see any of the symptoms like irregular periods, acne, or excessive facial hair growth so that early detection, correction and cure becomes possible for both PCOS and PCOD.

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