Easy Hack to Vegan Diet for Weight Loss

Easy Hack to Vegan Diet for Weight Loss in a Month

Overweight or obesity is a serious health condition (among people of every age group).  The study suggests, 1.9 billion adults (WHO) are overweight and out of these more than 650 million are obese. The worldwide prevalence almost tripled from 1975 to 2019 in terms of obesity. Now the question is how to manage obesity? 

People cut down there meals to lose weight, some of them take pills. Or even get operated but is this the right approach to weight loss

If you desire to shed those extra kilos, you may consider trying a Vegan Diet. With little lifestyle changes and controlled diet, you can accomplish any fitness goals.

In this article, we will discuss what is obesity? Its symptoms and how to follow a vegan diet for weight loss?

What is obesity? 

Who is an obese person? Obesity is a medical condition occurs in a person with an excess percentage of body fat. Abnormal or excessive fat accumulation can be defined as overweight.

Obesity is a complex disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat. Indeed,  Body Mass Index (BMI), weight for height formula (kg/m2) is an index to measure obesity.  If your BMI measures more than 30 then you are obese. 

After getting diagnosed with obesity patients are required to extensively change their diet and lifestyle. 

A vegan diet is gaining popularity in western culture. More and more fitness enthusiasts, especially struggling with disease adopting a vegan diet for health benefits. Besides, the diet is considered to be a lower risk of chronic issues and supports weight loss.

Relationship between a vegan diet and obesity 

Does a vegan diet help in losing weight? The answer is yes, a vegan diet is a healthy approach to weight loss. Research suggests, being vegan helps to lose a significant amount of weight. As a vegan diet for weight loss restricts consumption of high-calorie foods.

Vegan food is low in cholesterol and LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) in comparison to animal-based alternatives. Many dietitians advice that “A plant-based diet has the power to not only prevent heart disease but also manage and reverse it, something that no drug has ever done”. 

What is veganism? 

The way of living which seeks to avoid all the practice of cruelty on animals for food, clothing or any other purpose is known as veganism. There are a hundred ways to embrace veganism but one thing which is common in all vegans is they follow a plant-based diet avoiding all animal foods including eggs and dairy products. 

Why be a vegan? 

Simply by eating vegan, you are saving your money as well as your body from many harmful diseases. Following a vegan diet for weight loss also supports reduce risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, heart-related ailments, certain types of cancer, etc. Vegan food helps you to be healthy by losing weight easily. Vegan food which is rich in fibre keeps you full and gives you a less craving to eat. 

Read more: Vegan Diet for Diabetes

What are the health benefits of a vegan diet for obese people? 

Research shows that people who follow a vegan diet have lower BMI in comparison to others. A plant-based diet is rich in fibre, carbohydrates, and water from fruit and vegetables. The foods will keep you fuller for a longer duration and energetic. Moreover, people following a plant-based food diet have lower cholesterol levels and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). 

It’s a misunderstanding that vegans don’t have a lot of choices in their meals. Being a vegan you can have a variety of foods and discover new plant-based proteins. Vegetables are the star of a vegan’s meal. Some popular vegan food for weight loss includes: 

  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  •  Celery
  • Zucchini
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber

The vegan food item is low in carbs and high in antioxidants. Let’s discuss more options for a vegan diet for weight loss.

Read more: High protein diet for weight loss

What should a vegan diet for weight loss include? 

A vegan diet is a plant-based diet that eliminates all animal products. Before you plan to go on a plant-based diet, you need the right weekly meal plan to get started. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that your vegan diet plan for weight loss is customized to your body type. Your calorie intake should be fixed not necessarily coming from the same source. Thus, this will help you to lose weight safely.

You must consult a certified dietitian – a vegan specialist to design a meal for you based on your body type and weight.

A weight loss vegan diet plan is high in protein and is low-carb. Some common high-protein foods are Vegan pancake, Peanut butter, Cucumber, Oatmeal, Leafy vegetables, Whole grains, fresh fruits, etc. All these vegan foods to fulfil your daily requirements of calories. 

Beginners to vegan diet struggle to find the right plan to start weight loss journey. Consulting a professional help allows understanding the pros and cons of each diet plan. Nevertheless, help you stay on the right track to accomplish weight loss.

Looking for the best vegan diet for weight loss?

The benefit of being a vegan is countless but apart from that, it has a detriment side also, you might be missing some important vitamins while following a vegan diet. Following that you must consult InstaFitness dietitians. 

This helps you to understand essential vegan foods that supplement your body nutrient needs. For vegans, it’s not just about diet and weight loss. One of their aims is to eradicate the cruelty taking place against animals also.

Apart from planning a diet chart and following it, self-motivation is one of the most important factors in weight loss. Keep going with your diet and don’t bother about the results. The fat which you’ve gained wasn’t in a week or overnight so the loss also won’t be easy, steadily but yes it will reflect. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. All the best with your weight loss journey.

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