Peanut Chikki Recipe

Peanut Chikki Recipe

Nutritional Info:

Calories: 111Kcal, Fat: 6g, Protein: 3g, Carbohydrate: 11g, Fibre: 1g


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Peanut Chikki Recipe
Chikki is a traditional Indian sweet made with peanut and jaggery. It is very popular among kids and is specially made and enjoyed during the winter season.
Peanut Chikki Recipe
Course Dessert
Cuisine Indian
Keyword peanut-chikki
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Indian
Keyword peanut-chikki
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Peanut Chikki Recipe
  1. Take a thick bottom kadai or pan and roast peanuts on a medium to low flame. Stir peanuts until they become golden and crunchy.
  2. Once the peanuts are roasted, transfer them to a plate. Let them cool.
  3. Now grease a steel plate and rolling pin with some ghee and set them aside.
Making the Chikki
  1. Grate the jaggery and make a powder. If there are impurities, strain it.
  2. Now heat the pan on a low flame and add ghee with jaggery. Stir with a spoon or spatula, so that all the jaggery gets dissolved.
  3. Keep on boiling the jaggery syrup until it reaches a hard ball brittle consistency.
  4. To check the consistency, drop a little jaggery syrup to the bowl of water. It should become firm/hard instantly.
  5. Now break the jaggery into pieces. The pieces should be like candy. Brittle and not soft.
  6. When the jaggery is in the right consistency, quickly add the peanuts and mix well.
  7. Switch off the flame and quickly pour the mixture on the greased steel plate.
  8. Then with the rolling pin, roll the mixture evenly and cut the chikki into pieces, before it cools down.
  9. Once the chikki cools down, break it into pieces and serve.
Recipe Notes
  • You can double the recipe according to your need.
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Peanut Chikki Recipe
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