best vegan diet for diabetics

Best Vegan Diet For Beginners to Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious health condition, but a little known fact is that it can be managed effectively, or even can reverse with a vegan diet.

In recent years, the number of people with diabetes has increased drastically. Diabetes affects around 451 million people (2017) around the world. The number is expected to reach 693 million by the year 2045. Most of the cases are of type 2 diabetes, where poor diet and food habits are two common causes. The question is how to manage diabetes?

A decade ago, we have seen many people who used to flinch even at being vegan. However, in recent times, this attitude is slowly changing and many people are adopting a vegan diet, particularly the ones with diabetes. Even as per the “Vegan Life Magazine”, the number of vegans has risen by a massive number over the past decade. Today, veganism has become one of the handpicked and fastest-growing lifestyles.

In this guide, we’ll discuss, what is diabetes, symptoms, and how to manage with a vegan diet.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a common disease caused by a high level of glucose level in the blood. Diabetes type 1 and type 2 are two common types. To simplify, type 1 diabetes, the patient cannot produce insulin. Whereas in type 2 diabetes, the insulin present in the body do not work effectively or cannot produce enough.

After getting diagnosed with diabetes patients are required to modify their lifestyle and their diet. A high plant-based diet can help to manage the condition.

The relation between a vegan diet and diabetes

Is a vegan diet beneficial for people with diabetes? Does a Vegan diet help to improve blood glucose control? 

You won’t believe, but the answer is yes, absolutely. It helps in controlling diabetes.

There are many studies suggest that people who follow a vegan diet (low-fat) have lower blood sugar levels and controlled weight. Researchers have also proved that a vegan diet can lower cholesterol and improve kidney functioning among diabetic people. Even following a high-quality plant-based diet can cut down the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 


What does veganism mean?

Veganism is a contemporary way of living that pursue to eliminate all forms of brutality to animals for clothing, food, or any other use. Vegans generally follow a plant-based diet and avoid the intake of any animal and dairy foods as well as the use of any animal products. 

Nowadays, people are choosing a vegan lifestyle for various reasons such as concern for planet earth and animal wellbeing. However, there is another factor which is encouraging people to go vegan, which is its numerous health benefits.


What are the health benefits of a vegan diet for diabetes people?

When you say Vegan diet, it mainly means plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, pulses, nuts, and seeds. All these foods are rich in high-quality proteins & vitamins that help in treating various chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, lower cholesterol levels, hypertension, and even cancer. 

Many studies have shown that diabetes is very common among people who are overweight. However, choosing a vegan diet can help you lower the body fat, provide you with high fibre, phytochemical and antioxidants. As a result, it will reduce diabetes as it fits well with the current dietary guidelines given for diabetes patients.


What are the best & Worst Vegan foods for a Diabetic Person?

Your food selections matter a lot if you have diabetes. Being diabetic is a real struggle as our food choice matters a lot. As some food choice is better than others. Although nothing is completely off-limits. Event food items you think is the worst food choice can be a treat occasionally – but in a controlled portion. The catch is you should understand that they do not have any nutrition value. Therefore, we have listed a few options for you to pick


Best food choices:

  • Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet
  • Baked sweet potato
  • Whole grain items without any added sugar
  • Fresh unsalted veggies (canned) – raw or lightly roasted, grilled or steamed
  • Greens veggies like kale, arugula, and spinach 
  • Fresh fruits
  • Sugar-free jam, applesauce or preserves

Worst food Choices: 

  • White bread
  • Processed grains like white flour or rice
  • Fried white flour tortillas or French fries
  • Cereals with sugar
  • Salted canned vegetables
  • Veggies with added cheese, butter or sauce
  • Pickles and Sauerkraut
  • Canned fruit with added sugar syrup
  • Chewy fruit rolls
  • Fruit drinks/ punch/drinks


The benefits of a vegan diet in the treatment and deterrence of diabetes (any type) is now well-established. Though, the food one must consume in a vegan diet is still a critical parameter to achieve its best effects.

Even in a vegetarian diet, there are food items, which are harmful to a diabetic person, like refined grains, added sugars or saturated fats. Whereas vegetables, whole grains, fruits, legumes, nuts, and unsaturated fats, etc; are some vegan food items, you must eat to avoid and treat diabetes. 

For this reason, a patient’s knowledge about dietary food nutrition you get from a vegan diet plays an extremely important role. There are many varieties of Vegan diets available. But no matter what type of vegan diet you follow, it all has the healing effects. However, its best and evident benefits are reductions in CVD risk and low fasting plasma glucose levels.

Currently, there is further research happening on adopting the best vegan diet that is most suitable and beneficial for the particular type, combination, or degree of diabetes. Nevertheless, adopting a Vegan Diet can still help you avoid diabetes and keep you fit and healthy with a long life.

How To Get Started With Vegan Diet for Diabetes?

InstaFitness is a one-stop solution to all your fitness and health needs. You can download the InstaFitness App to book an online consultation with our dietitians. Our certified dietitian will understand the health issues prevalence and offer a customize a vegan diet plan for diabetes. This will help keep your diet on track with personalised meal plans curated just for you.

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