keto diet and diabetes

Keto Diet Benefits for Diabetes

Keto diet and diabetes? Doesn’t the diet focus on high fat intake! so how can it control diabetes? It may sound a little odd but significant medical research has proven that this new and trending dietary pattern can indeed have potential benefits in preventing episodes of diabetes and even bringing down blood sugar to healthy levels.

Here we will talk about how Keto diet and diabeteies benefits the diabetic people and how “going Keto” can actually help people stay hale and hearty longer.

Keto Diet and Diabetes: How it Works

Before we talk about how it is beneficial in diabetes, let’s understand a bit more about what Keto diet is all about. The ketogenic (keto) diet, high in fat and low in carbs, can potentially change the way your body stores and uses energy, easing diabetes symptoms. The basic rule With the keto diet is, your body converts fat, instead of sugar, into energy by cutting down carbohydrate levels.  Let’s see how this can prove beneficial.

Our body derives its maximum energy to carry out essential processes from the carbohydrate intake in our meals. Now, when we are on Keto diet, we are limiting the intake of carbohydrates, (and we’re doing this on purpose) so when the carbohydrate becomes absent, the body is left with no other option but to depend on fat (which is in abundance) as its primary source of energy.

In medical terms, this process is known as ketosis, wherein the body fat gets broken down into ketones in order to fuel normal body functions. Thus, the body’s dependence on glucose or blood sugar usually derived from carbs gets reduced and it starts burning up the fat. This inevitably promotes weight loss, improves cardiovascular health, increases good cholesterol levels, helps maintain blood pressure, and brings down blood sugar levels too.

Now, we all know that to keep diabetes under check, the two golden rules are:

1) Maintain controlled blood sugar levels, and

2) Maintain a healthy body weight.  A Keto diet helps to achieve both.


Keto Diet Benefits: What to Eat When You Have Diabetes

An ideal Keto diet plan looks something like this:

– Eggs

– Salmon fish

– Cottage cheese

– Avocado

– Olives and olive oil

– Nuts and nut butters

– Seeds

If you notice, carbs are absent from the diet. Now, this may not always be a healthy sign for your body because carbs too have their unique role to play in body functioning. However, if you’re keen to follow Keto, we strongly recommend to consult your doctor or a dietician first. Depending on one’s individual health condition, blood sugar levels, and body weight, they’d be able to customise a diet plan, which can give you the maximum benefit in controlling your diabetes.

Try not to go for Keto Diet without having a check with your doctor first, especially if you’re diabetic. A low-carb diet can be difficult to follow, though not impossible, however, you’d need proper guidance and supervision.


Keto Diet and Diabetes together can have immense benefits to the body, if followed as per doctor’s

instructions. Talk to yours today and get a diet plan in place.

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