type 2 diabetes and obesity

Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes | Is there a link between obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Everyone will agree that being obese is not good for your health. But it is not enough to just agree on this fact. We need to understand the extent of damage that it can do to our bodies. We need to understand that being obese may become one of the reasons for suffering from certain health conditions.

Obesity can increase the risk of developing diabetic conditions. Yes! It is believed that obese people have more chances of becoming diabetic. Before we discuss how obese people are at a higher risk of developing diabetic conditions we need to understand the difference between being obese and being overweight.

So how is being obese different from being overweight?

At times we use both these terms interchangeably. But in medical terms, there is a difference. In the case of overweight people, the weight can be due to fat, muscle, bone or at times due to body water. But in the case of obese people, there is an accumulation of a large amount of fat in the body and this can have a negative impact on the health of the individual. An individual is considered to be obese if his body weight is 20% more than the ideal body weight.

The connection between obesity and type 2 diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body becomes resistant to insulin. Insulin is responsible for helping the cells in converting glucose into energy. The body makes enough insulin however the body cells develop resistance to the action of insulin. As a result, there is an increase in blood glucose levels.

When a person is obese the cells of the fat tissues will have to process a large number of nutrients which can be very difficult for the cells. This stress results in inflammation which in turn results in the release of cytokines proteins. This protein is known to block the signal of insulin receptors. This will eventually lead to the cells becoming insulin resistant. Naturally, insulin resistance will lead to higher glucose levels in the blood and this is one of the signs of diabetic condition.

It is time to understand that obesity and diabetic condition are becoming a global problem:

Yes, obesity and diabetes are connected and this is becoming a cause of concern globally. World Health Organisation has reported that in 2016 there were 1.6 million deaths worldwide due to diabetes. The number of diabetic patients worldwide has seen a sharp increase in the past few years.

It is important to understand that if the diabetic condition is not addressed at the earliest then it can lead to complications due to the high blood glucose levels.

  • The patient is at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • There can be a reduction in the blood flow in the body and this can lead to nerve damage in the feet which is known as neuropathy. This in turn can lead to different types of infections, foot ulcers, necrosis, etc.
  • There can be an impact on the blood vessels in the retina and this can lead to diabetic retinopathy.
  • It has a negative impact on the immune system and this increases the risk of infections.
  • It can also lead to complications like kidney failure and erectile dysfunction.

It is not just about being obese:

Obesity can be one of the contributing factors for developing diabetes but it is not the only factor. There are other aspects that can also lead to a diabetic condition. This includes leading a sedentary lifestyle, indulging in lots of sugary foods, eating lots of processed foods, alcoholism, smoking, etc are some of the factors that can lead to a diabetic condition.

Prevention is much easier than cure:

It is possible to keep the diabetic condition at bay by making a few changes in your lifestyle. First of weight management is very important. For this, you must follow an active lifestyle. You need to have a daily exercise regime and also keep yourself busy doing the regular household chores like cleaning etc.

Besides giving up a sedentary lifestyle you also need to keep a tab on what you eat. Keep away from sugars and processed foods. To remain healthy, you need to eat healthy foods. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is also important to eat high fiber foods. Keep away from alcohol and smoking if you want to avoid diseases.

Already diabetic? Then here is what you must do!

If you already suffering from type 2 diabetes then management of the condition is very important. You have to check with your doctor about the diet that you need to follow and the exercise regime. Also, you will be prescribed medicines by your doctor which you must take on a regular basis. Regularly check the blood glucose levels and if there is any fluctuation then inform the doctor on priority. Regular health check-ups are also a must. Keep away from unhealthy foods and unhealthy habits like alcoholism and smoking.

Diabetic patients are very much susceptible to life-threatening conditions. Therefore it is important to ensure that you do not get into the clutches of this disease. One of the first things that you need to do for this is to shed the extra weight. This is because obese individuals are at a much higher risk of developing this condition as compared to individuals with normal weight.

Lifestyle changes, exercise, and healthy eating habits can surely help you in maintaining a normal weight. If you are obese then you need to connect with your doctor at the earliest to understand how you can lose weight.

In the case of diabetic patients, they need to focus on the management of diabetes and for this, they have to follow the advice given by the doctor.

Diabetic conditions and obesity are linked. But there are other factors that can lead to the diabetic condition as well. For complete details about the same connect with your doctor at the earliest and get complete assistance for the prevention and management of the diabetic condition.

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