top10 type 2 diabetes health tips

Top 10 health tips for people with Type 2 Diabetes

The number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is on the rise. If you are also one of them then we can understand the emotional upheaval that you are undergoing. But we would like to point out that you can manage type 2 diabetes by making a few changes in your lifestyle.


Follow these tips to manage type 2 diabetes:


  1. Your diet matters a lot:

One of the most important type 2 diabetes tips is your diet. Yes, you need to follow a healthy diet that is rich in high fibre foods. Make sure that you include fresh fruits and vegetables and cut down on saturated and trans fats. You must also limit the intake of salt. You must choose foods that are low in refined carbohydrates. Keep away from processed foods.


  1. Food portion control holds the key:

Taking huge one or two meals has to be avoided strictly. Instead, you must take small portions of food at regular intervals. It is also important that you do not skip meals. You must eat regularly. This will help to maintain your blood glucose levels.


  1. Keep a tab on your weight:

Always remember that your body will develop insulin resistance if there is excess weight stored around the abdomen region. If you want to manage type 2 diabetes then you have to control your weight in the best possible way. For this, you need to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. That does not mean that you must lead a life filled with stress but you must try to be active.


  1. Exercise is a must:

For weight control and type 2 diabetes management exercises is a must. There are many advantages of exercising regularly. It will help in maintaining a normal weight. It will also help to maintain blood glucose levels. Exercise is also found to have a positive impact on blood pressure and cholesterol. You can check with your doctor about the type of exercises that you must choose. Plan your exercise regime after consulting your doctor.


  1. Taking your medicine is the obvious rule:

Taking the medicines that are prescribed by your doctor is one of the obvious health tips. You have to follow the instructions of the doctor strictly and make sure that you take the prescribed medicines on a regular basis. Do not skip taking your daily dose as it can have a detrimental effect on your health.


  1. Checking your blood glucose levels is important:

You need to plan with your doctor about the routine of checking your blood glucose levels. Depending on your overall condition the doctor will recommend how often you need to check the blood glucose levels and you must make sure that you follow that routine strictly.


  1. Say no to alcohol and smoking:

We would like to point out here that people who smoke are at a higher risk of getting diabetes. So if you want to manage your diabetes then there you have to give up smoking immediately. You also need to understand that alcohol will increase the triglyceride levels and it also increases the risk of a rise in blood pressure and it can also lead to weight gain. So, make sure that you ideally avoid alcohol completely.


  1. Prevention of certain health issues is important:

You need to ensure that you maintain normal blood pressure. At times you may need medication and for this, you need to consult your doctor. Also, try to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In diabetes tips, we will also include the need to prevent sores. People suffering from Type 2 diabetes may get sores on the feet. If ignored this can lead to the development of wounds of severe nature and at times amputation of the foot may be needed.


  1. Increase your awareness about the disease: 

Every day new developments are happening in the medical field and you must keep yourself updated about the same. You must try to increase awareness about the disease. If required you can discuss these things with your doctor.


  1. Do not take this as a personal failure:

One of the most important diabetes tips is that once you are diagnosed with diabetes there is no need to feel depressed. This is just a health condition and it is not some personal failure for which you have to feel low. Yes but you need to keep in mind that this is a progressive disease and as soon as it is recognized you must ensure that you start taking good care of yourself.

Type 2 diabetes is something that you can manage provided you follow some strict rules in your everyday life. From the tips that we have mentioned above, it is more than obvious that it is important to maintain a healthy weight and to eat right if you want to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Exercise is also a key factor that can help in managing type 2 diabetes with ease.


Making changes in your lifestyle is a key factor and you have to make sure that for this you eat right and lead an active life. You have to overcome your inclination for processed junk food if you want to maintain normal blood glucose levels. It is equally important that you say no to alcohol and smoking for maintaining the right blood glucose levels.


Type 2 diabetes management is all about keeping away from sedentary life and making positive and healthy changes in your regular life. It is equally important that you do not slip into depression and do not take unnecessary stress if you want to put up a brave fight.


Last but not least for diabetes management your doctor will play a very important role. Make sure that you follow the advice of your doctor strictly. It is also important that you take the prescribed medicines regularly and go for your regular check-ups.


With all these tips you will surely be able to manage type 2 diabetes in the best possible way.

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