type 2 diabetes and pregnancy

Type 2 Diabetes and Pregnancy-Risks, health tips, and recommended foods

Type 2 Diabetic patients have insulin resistance that is the body does not utilize the insulin properly. This is one of the common forms of diabetes. In this type, the blood glucose levels rise as there is not enough insulin that can keep the glucose levels normal.


Concerns about type 2 diabetes and pregnancy:

Are you a woman suffering from type 2 diabetes? Then you may have concerns about conceiving and gestation. However, you need not worry. All that you have to do is get the right medical guidance and follow a healthy lifestyle and things should be fine.

Your goal has to be to ensure that the glucose levels in your blood remain normal. Because if the glucose levels rise then there can be health issues. Therefore, you have to monitor and manage blood glucose levels properly.


A few things to discuss with your doctor before you conceive:

There are some aspects that you need to discuss with your gynecologist before conception. These are as follows:

  • Controlling the blood glucose level
  • Give a proper idea about your medical history. If you are suffering from any diseases like kidney disease, liver disease, etc then make sure that you tell your doctor.
  • You also need to tell the gynecologist about the medicines that you are taking to control Also, give an account of the lifestyle that you follow.


Take a look at the risk factors of this condition:

Here are some risk factors for type 2 diabetes:

  • If you are overweight then that can be one of the risk factors but remember that it does not mean if you are overweight you will suffer from this condition.
  • Fat distribution in the body may also play a role in developing this condition. If the fat is stored more in the abdomen then this can be one of the risk factors for this condition.
  • A sedentary lifestyle can also be a contributing risk factor in the case of a chronic condition. So, it is always better to follow an active lifestyle.
  • Family history of this condition also increases the risk of developing insulin resistance.
  • Age can also be a risk factor. That is as age increases the risk of developing this condition may increase. But as you will find that even children, adolescents, and young adults can suffer from this type of diabetic condition.
  • Prediabetes and gestational diabetes can also lead to type 2 diabetic condition
  • Women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome are also at a higher risk of developing this condition.


Take a look at the complications:

When you check with your gynecologist about pregnancy and diabetic condition you must also check the details about complications. Remember that if you do not take proper treatment then it can lead to complications. Some of the complications are as follows:

  • Neuropathy
  • Risk of diseases related to the cardiovascular system
  • Damage to the kidneys, eyes, etc
  • Problems in healing
  • Sleep apnea


Important health tips:


Watch out for your weight:

When it comes to type 2 diabetes and pregnancy you must maintain a healthy weight. You surely do not want to put end up with pregnancy complications by being overweight.

Fitness is important:

A well-designed exercise programme will help you to maintain normal blood glucose levels. It will keep you energetic. But you need to check with your doctor about the fitness and exercise regime that is best for you during pregnancy.

Rest is important:

In the case of diabetes and pregnancy, you must get enough rest. If you are in the third trimester then rest is very important.

You will need medicines:

When pregnant for maintaining normal glucose levels you will have to take your medicines on time. Make sure that you check with your gynecologist and endocrinologist for the same.

Keep a tab on your blood sugar levels: 

In the case of diabetic pregnant women, they must check the blood sugar levels regularly. Keep a note of the same and if there are any fluctuations then you must report the same to the doctor immediately.

Regular health check-ups:

You must not miss out on your routine health check-ups. Never miss your appointment with the doctor.


Recommended food for type 2 diabetic pregnant women:

When it comes to type 2 diabetes and pregnancy eating a healthy diet is of utmost importance. You don’t have to eat for two but you need to eat healthy food. Your meal plan must include a combination of different fresh fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydrates are a must and for this, you need to choose whole grain varieties of food. Besides whole grains, you must also include pulses, legumes, lentils in your diet. You can also have lean meat like chicken when you are pregnant and are suffering from the type 2 diabetic condition.

You may have fish but not raw preparations and you must also avoid fish that have high mercury content. You must also include low-fat dairy products in your diet chart. Ideally, you must speak to your gynecologist and dietician who will give you the proper advice for the same.

If you are a diabetic patient who is pregnant then there is nothing to worry about. All that you have to do is ensure that you eat right and keep yourself fit and healthy. It is also important that you check your blood glucose levels at regular intervals, follow the instructions of your doctor, and take the medicines correctly and on time.

Make sure that you maintain a healthy weight and follow an active lifestyle. Work out is important but that has to be under medical supervision.

Yes, you can have a healthy and normal pregnancy even if you are suffering from type 2 diabetes. It is all about following the doctor’s advice, keeping away from stress, and taking all the required precautions.

Enjoy the wonderful phase of your life by following the health tips and taking medical guidance from time to time.

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